Enrichment & events
Photo: Jill Tomasetti
Located in San Francisco, we strive to take advantage of the rich cultural heritage in the Bay area with both field trips and in-school events. Our children enjoy an annual Lion Dance performed by a local martial arts program for the Lunar New Year, receive visits from the neighborhood fire & police departments for hands-on safety demonstrations, and enjoy musical and dramatic performances throughout the year. By bringing in different faces and voices from the community, we hope to broaden our students' horizons and provide connections to the world they live in.
field trips
Photo: Jill Tomasetti
Field trips take us out into the world to explore the wonderful opportunities for learning that surround us. Thanks to parents and family members, our field trip ratio is usually one adult to two children. Adult volunteers are more than welcome to join us for the day and either ride our chartered school bus or carpool with other families. We usually organize four field trips per year. Some of our favorite destinations are: Half Moon Bay Pumpkin Patch, San Jose Children's Discovery Museum, Oakland Fairyland, Happy Hollow Park & Zoo, Oakland Zoo, Berkeley Hall of Science, the Bay Area Children's Theater, and many more.
Special events
Photo: Alycia Moy
In addition to visiting performers and field trips, we have many special events planned throughout the year for the children to anticipate. In January, for example, we celebrate "Pajama Day" and wear our pajamas, bring stuffed animals, read stories with volunteer parents, and eat a specially prepared brunch. We also celebrate major holidays with performances and sing-alongs throughout the year. We have a preschool graduation ceremony at the beginning of summer for our newly minted kindergartners. And we have an annual school BBQ in the summers where Little Star kids past and present come together for fun and games.