frequently asked questions

  • What are the requirements needed to enroll at Little Star?

    • 2 - 6 years of age

    • Not potty trained but wearing pull ups

    • Required TB, MMR and Tdap vaccinations

  • What agency is the school licensed by?

    • The Department of Social Services. All teachers and teacher's aides are fingerprinted and go through FBI background checks. 


  • When do you enroll new children?

    • We typically enroll new children from mid-June through September, or whenever there is an opening.


  • What is the ratio of teachers to students at Little Star?

    • LSP2 on Quintara Street has two separate classrooms, a larger student body, and a standard 1:10 ratio. 


  • What meals are provided and can children bring their own lunches?

    • We provide a breakfast snack (usually a type of bread, muffin, or cereal), a hot lunch entree, and an afternoon snack of fruit. All snacks are served with milk and water. Water is provided at lunch. Children are encouraged to bring several healthy snacks, including fruit, and a beverage of their choice to accompany the hot lunch entree. Children of course may also bring an alternative entree of their choice. 


  • What time do children need to be in school?

    • Children may be dropped off from 7:30-9:00 am. 


  • What time can children be picked up?

    • Usually children are picked up after nap, between 4-5:30 pm. Parents may also pick up their children before nap, although a consistent schedule is encouraged. Be sure to communicate with the teachers in the case of schedule changes. 


  • What do children do during free choice activity time?

    • During this time, different areas of the classroom are opened up for the children to use and set-up with various activities. Some typical areas that will be open for invitation to play are: playhouse, building blocks, computers, library, art center including painting, play dough, and drawing. In addition, many building and learning manipulatives, toys, and puzzles are available. This is an important part of the children's day because it is a time for them to learn how to share, make choices, meet new friends, and socialize with their peers. 


  • What do children do during Circle Time?

    • During Circle Time, teachers lead the children in music, movement, and dance. It is a time to introduce the week's theme and letter of the week, go over the calendar, read stories, and engage the imagination with role playing and helper songs. 


  • What is meant by "team teaching"?

    • Team teaching means all activities, planning, and supervision are shared by between 3-6 teachers, depending on which location/classroom you are in. Our open classroom means there are no barriers between each teacher's "center" and children are able to take turns working with each teacher throughout the week. 


  • How are children grouped for Center Time?

    • During Center Time, children are grouped according to their academic skills, language, and general readiness. When they first start school, children are placed in a center group. Within a week or two of working with them, teachers will meet to assess their placement and adjust the groups as necessary to make sure each child is in a group that will best fit their skills. In this way teachers can better plan lessons according to the needs of the group. 


  • How do you get new children acclimated to school?

    • Before a child's first day, parents are encouraged to bring their child to visit the school as many days as they like. Just call to arrange a time to visit. 


  • How is the school prepared for emergencies?

    • The school has monthly fire and earthquake drills. All teachers are certified in first aid and CPR. Children have their own emergency snack and water at school, in addition to the emergency supplies the school keeps. The school has an emergency bag with children's emergency contacts, a first aid kit, flash lights, and radio.